West Point School of Music is a tuition free community music school improving the lives of youth on Chicago’s South side through music instruction & performance.

West Point School of Music both understands the importance of music education in disadvantaged communities and the need for dedicated partner organizations to provide this service in Chicago’s underprivileged neighborhoods. Budget constraints have led many schools to suspend or eliminate arts programs entirely. In many schools, in-classroom residencies are limited, which further illustrates the need for after-school programs to fill in the gap.
Why Music Education?
According to etmonline.org and statistics sourced from Americans for the Arts
Fewer Dropouts
As likely to graduate than those who do not.
Emotional Stability
More likely to win an award for school attendance.
Higher IQ
As likely to be recognized for academic achievement.
Why After-School Programs?
According to youth.gov
- Working families and businesses also derive benefits from after-school programs that ensure that youth have a safe place to go while parents are at work.
- Attending after-school programs can improve students’ academic performance.
- Effective after-school programs can improve classroom behavior, school attendance, academic aspirations, and can reduce the likelihood that a student will drop out.
- Participation in after-school programs has been associated with positive health outcomes, including reduced obesity and drug use.

Why West Point?
West Point School of Music makes instrumental music education available in areas where it is the least accessible. West Point focuses on low-income, underserved, and culturally isolated Chicago neighborhoods, including Roseland, Englewood, South Shore, and Chatham.
Additionally, programming is high quality, unique, & culturally diverse. As an example, the steel pan orchestra known as Epic steel is committed to performing the genre of music that gave birth to the steel drums in its native Trinidad – Calypso. The performers bring pleasantry and accessibility to this complex musical style and also demonstrate great flexibility and musical chops as they engage Latin, Jazz, Classical, and Contemporary music.
Student Impact
According to surveys, the vast majority of West Point students feel like they belong and that their involvement has positively impacted their school work.

Get Involved!
There are many ways you can help keep West Point School of Music in public schools. You can make a monetary donation. You can donate an instrument or equipment. You can book the band. You can become involved and advocate on behalf of the organization. Make a difference today!